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Patient Testimonials
Testimonials on this site are from real patients enrolled in the New Season treatment and recovery program and are based on their own experiences. Patients were not compensated for their testimonial or endorsement. These testimonials are based on the experiences of a few people and results may vary.

Since being in recovery I have been able to put my energy where it belongs. I have been able to revive my business and put more time and effort into my family. I have also been able to find my calling and work towards my goals with a clear mind. I'm able to be a mother and a wife again without fear. My family supported my decision and continue to help me through this so I'm not going to let them or myself down.
There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the absolute wonderful treatment that I received at the Broward County facility. I am a married, professional and mother of four. I was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while guest dosing at this facility. Treena was especially helpful, warm, kind, caring with the greatest example of Southern Hospitality.
Do NOT even give it a second thought! If you want to be treated like a human being with a brain, feelings and a beating heart suffering from a sickness that has every right to be treated as any other sickness, then this is the ONLY place you need to consider. I mean that.
Being in this treatment program has most definitely improved my life. My counselor is very helpful and I know I can talk to her about anything without judgement. The director of the Hickory Clinic is amazing to say the least. I can go to him any day of the week with any issue and he will always listen and help me resolve the situation. I have always been treated like a person instead of a number and I'm so very thankful to the staff for helping me because without this program I would be dead!

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I've been clean since my first day. Between myself and my counselor+staff at the clinic I've been nothing but successful. The groups I attend are informative and comfortable. It's not hard to find help here if that's what one is looking for.
It has saved my life. I honestly didn't have any intentions of going everyday, i just needed to not be "sick". Once I realized how awesome everyone there was (staff & patients) I decided to give it my all & keep going. I am proud to say, I have been clean 3yrs now! Thanks for saving me from myself! Just take that "jump"! Its gonna be scary as hell, but so worth the "jump" in the end!
Having a professional counselor to talk to has enabled me to get an objective view on my past behavior. I've learned that many of my past problems were self created & using pills was only a temporary fix. The biggest changes I've seen, are I don't let myself get involved in the drama of "helping" people with problems I'm not equipped to deal with. And I look for ways to help myself with problems without trying to find quick fixes like drugs. If you're to the point where you're done with withdrawal, the lies, the shame, the waiting for your dealer (or pharmacy), then talk to someone at a MAT Clinic today. I was very apprehensive about going. I'd heard all the judgements about people on Methadone, etc. But 19 years later I'm still on Methadone. I have a job, a great relationship with my family and I don't think about using at all. Those years are thankfully behind me. I get 27 take home bottles of my medication. And take it daily like any other medication. Be it blood pressure or insulin. I have No cravings, No withdrawal. And I am happy. You can be too. Give it a chance!
I was particularly moved by the attention received from the staff at New Season, and in particular by Jessica, the Treatment Services Coordinator (TSC). I have a good friend with an opioid addiction who finally got past the stigma barrier and decided to enter treatment. Even though others insisted that there was no way that a new patient could get in and out of their initial visit in time to get to work by 6:30 AM, Jessica proved them wrong. To make things brief, Jessica did what nobody else could: She got my friend processed and off to work on time on his first day of treatment. After meeting with him, she customized a treatment and counseling plan to maximize his comfort and work with his demanding schedule. Jessica, and by extension New Season, has really demonstrated that New Season supports the education and understanding of opioid addiction as a disease. Stigma has been a key barrier to patients entering treatment and staying in treatment, and I really think that Jessica helped ease my friend (who was really skeptical) into treatment. New Season aims to create a community that works together to create a supportive environment where patients can begin to feel whole again, and I really saw this. It is comforting to know that New Season’s Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) program, and the medications used today have been studied and proven to be highly successful in recovery. Indeed, their recovery programs use the latest science to create a comprehensive plan for patients that include MAT, counseling and medical services. The therapeutic programs are customized to the patient’s needs and services and are delivered in a way that respects the dignity, value and self-worth of every individual. I will forever be grateful for what New Season, and in particular Jessica, have done for my good friend.
With taking my buprenorphine each day and meeting with my counselor and attending clinic groups I have been able to see clearly and think clearly. I have attained sobriety and acquired a full-time job, a home, and I am in the process of getting my daughter back from my parents. I would have never been able to do this without the support of Concord Metro and my local AA groups.
Just started treatment and feel more free than i have in years. Saved my life.
Just make an appointment, walk in and let the healing begin, (I didn't say it was easy), but anything worth having isn't easy.
My husband and I started out as prescription pain killer abusers. We both have chronic neck and back pain and were prescribed anything we wanted until we lost our health insurance. Then we became heroin addicts. Going into methadone assisted treatment has completely saved our lives. It takes away the misery of withdrawal. Methadone treatment has taken all the pain and agony of withdrawal away. Jacksonville Metro has given us back our lives and self worth. I highly recommend it to anyone who's ready to end the terrible cycle of opioid abuse. We are so much happier and have our self worth back. We have a happy marriage again and live normal lives once more. It will absolutely save your life. If like us you couldn't handle the suffering of withdrawal, this is the only option that worked for us after 15 years of opioid addiction.