New Season Helps Pry Open the “Deep Claws and Deep Teeth” of Addiction

“Heroin,” a Memphis, Tenn., firefighter said, “has deep claws and deep teeth.”
Lt. Jason Berry said he and his crew “can’t even put an approximate number on the [overdose] calls they’ve personally made in the last five to 10 years,” wrote reporter Don Wade of The Daily News. The first responder said many times his department has called on the same people they’ve already revived from a deadly overdose.
New Season patient, Madison Erby, 31, knows that all too well. Erby, whose story was featured in the news article, talks of the frightening reality of being prescribed hydrocodone and naively taking it after the birth of her daughter 11 years ago.
Erby, now in her second round of recovery at the New Season DeSoto County Treatment Center, says she can recall the feeling of quickly becoming addicted to prescription pain pills. Not long after, she started buying heroin when the pills became too expensive. Addiction robbed her of raising three children, most of her family and a stable life.
At the time the story was published, Erby proudly clocked three months of sobriety. “Ninety days doesn’t sound like a lot, but it’s a miracle,” she told the Memphis Daily News.
The article also highlighted the recent state grant that is helping people find recovery at New Season with medicated-assisted treatment, “which uses FDA-approved medications in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies,” the article cited. “More than a dozen patients, who otherwise couldn’t afford it, are now in treatment at the Walls, Miss., facility.”
Unfortunately for the U.S., the alarming reality accounted in this Tennessee town and its surrounding area plays out all across the country — reaching every demographic, haunting men and women alike, permeating the poor, the professionals and anyone in between.
New Season takes seriously its responsibility to help individuals pry open the “deep claws and deep teeth” of opioid addiction — and keep those “claws” and “teeth” away for good. With more than 70 locations nationwide and a 90-percent recovery rate, New Season is proud of its work in helping opioid abusers overcome their addiction to live a fulfilling life.