At New Season Treatment Center, we are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking shift in our intake process, thanks to recent SAMHSA legislation changes allowing patients to initiate treatment via telehealth. This pivotal change not only streamlines our intake procedures but also opens the door to a wider array of individuals seeking recovery.

Opening Doors to Accessibility: Streamlining Intake Processes with Telehealth

Recent legislation has paved the way for a groundbreaking shift at New Season Treatment Center. Patients can now initiate treatment via telehealth, eliminating the wait for specific appointment slots. This innovation not only streamlines intake procedures but also enhances accessibility to care for individuals seeking recovery.

A Shift Towards Convenience: Intakes Now Available Daily to Support Recovery

Telehealth for intake appointments means patients can start their recovery journey with more flexible scheduling. While the appointment still depends on when the medical provider is available, patients will have more options for virtual appointments. This could help lessen the impact on their work schedule and reduce the risk of turning to harmful substances while waiting for their first appointment.

Daily intakes support our “Open the Front Door” initiative, empowering patients to take the first step towards healing without delays.

Empowering Patients, Empowering Recovery: Insights from Director of Telecounseling Chelsea Oliva

Director of Telecounseling Chelsea Oliva underscores the significance of increasing accessibility to care through telehealth. By promoting activities known to support recovery, such as employment, New Season can help more individuals overcome substance abuse challenges. 

“Opening the front door for more patients seeking initial treatment at their convenience is paramount,” Oliva said. “By leveraging telehealth technology, we can help more individuals begin recovering and get their lives back on track.”

Efficiency Meets Effectiveness: Reducing Intake Times with Telehealth Screening

Telehealth technology enables us to begin remotely screening patients for Medication Assisted Treatment, significantly reducing intake times from three hours to just one hour. This efficiency improvement benefits both patients and staff, ensuring a smoother intake process.

Expanding Reach, Enhancing Care: Telehealth Services Available Across Participating Centers

As we embrace telehealth-enabled care, we’re extending services across our network of participating centers in Colorado, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Ohio. With a dedicated team of telecounselors ready to assist, we can meet the growing demand for accessible and effective substance abuse treatment.

For more information on how telehealth is revolutionizing our approach to care, visit our Telehealth page or contact our Telehealth team at 407-789-0500. Together, let’s break down barriers and pave the way for a healthier, brighter future.