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Patient Testimonials
Testimonials on this site are from real patients enrolled in the New Season treatment and recovery program and are based on their own experiences. Patients were not compensated for their testimonial or endorsement. These testimonials are based on the experiences of a few people and results may vary.

Since being in recovery I have been able to put my energy where it belongs. I have been able to revive my business and put more time and effort into my family. I have also been able to find my calling and work towards my goals with a clear mind. I'm able to be a mother and a wife again without fear. My family supported my decision and continue to help me through this so I'm not going to let them or myself down.
There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe the absolute wonderful treatment that I received at the Broward County facility. I am a married, professional and mother of four. I was treated with the utmost respect and dignity while guest dosing at this facility. Treena was especially helpful, warm, kind, caring with the greatest example of Southern Hospitality.
Do NOT even give it a second thought! If you want to be treated like a human being with a brain, feelings and a beating heart suffering from a sickness that has every right to be treated as any other sickness, then this is the ONLY place you need to consider. I mean that.
Being in this treatment program has most definitely improved my life. My counselor is very helpful and I know I can talk to her about anything without judgement. The director of the Hickory Clinic is amazing to say the least. I can go to him any day of the week with any issue and he will always listen and help me resolve the situation. I have always been treated like a person instead of a number and I'm so very thankful to the staff for helping me because without this program I would be dead!

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Knowing I am monitored is an incentive in staying clean. Also being treated with respect is a big help - the staff at this clinic is professional yet caring. The biggest thing this clinic has provided me is my counselor. She truly cares and goes beyond the normal care of a counselor. She started a women's meeting for women with long term sobriety. This meeting has helped each of us in this group in many ways. My counselor challenges us to look deeper into why we have used. She helps us to understand how the we think about issues could lead to a relapse. She is such a blessing and I with the other women in the group appreciate her greatly.
One year ago I was a lost soul with no sense of direction or no idea how to break the vicious circle I found myself in. I had checked into 2 or 3 different treatment centers with no success. This treatment center took me in and with proper medication and counseling I am traveling a new road, a new direction free from the evil substances that had taken control of my life. I am completely clean for the first time in 41 years. I am clean, sober, & now I have a wonderful new direction in to which I am traveling. My treatment center has given me another chance at life. Everyone deserves a 2nd chance.
If you follow the program and actively participate, you WILL get your life back in manageable and enjoyable condition. When you can arrive daily to the clinic get your appropriate dose and know that you will feel normal for 24 hours and are no longer trapped spending all day finding the drug you need to avoid being sick, that feeling is priceless. You get your freedom back!
Wanted to leave a positive testimonial for my counselor at the St Augustine clinic. She has been very good at helping me implement a recovery plan and help keep me on track. She always takes time out to ask how I am doing and helps to create an individualized treatment plan that works best for me. She has a very large caseload I imagine but is able to always still somehow give each patient time to see how they’re doing and still manage to have a positive attitude and has great suggestions for way that I can create new coping mechanisms and make a ways to deal with stress. I am able to maintain a more balanced life and plan to stay sober for me and my family. She has been a great help and I believe she is a good asset to your clinic. Thank you for your time and I appreciate the chance to have your clinic and counselors make a difference in my life.
Participating in the treatment plan has been a blessing! Putting my goals in writing, discussing them and finding solutions to my issues with the help of my therapist along with the daily dose of methadone helped me recover. The treatment plan helped me see my recovery as a reality, something possible that I was able to do. I tried many recovery programs even rehab but nothing ever helped I used to get back to my self destructive habits. The minute I realized this program was really helping me I looked forward to each day hoping to get my life back which I DID.
This is the first time I have been able to stay clean and not fall back into the never ending slavery of heroin use. Up until now the only clean time that I have had in the past decade was when I was in jail.
Augusta Metro Treatment Center has changed my life and has saved my life. My counselor took the time to not only give me homework to do to have a better quality of life, but she took the time and talked with me, really listened to me and my story and I felt like my treatment plan was designed especially for me. Being able to talk with her and do this homework has helped me recover in ways that I can't even put into words. I truly believe in this program but you have to want a better life, you have to want to be better, you have to want it, period. Although I am a work in progress, I get better and better every single day, thanks to Augusta Metro.
Finding a medication and an appropriate dosage that has helped me feel and live normally again, combined with the support and encouragement I get from my counseling sessions, has saved my life. My relationships with my family have improved, I've reconnected with friends that I lost during active addiction, I've enrolled in a graduate program, and my professional life has soared.