b' \x1b \x1a \x0c \x19 \x16 \x17 \x19 \x06 \x1c \x18 \x1a \x1c \x17 \x19 \x16 \x0c \x08 \x17 \x1c \x1c \x1c \x1c \x1c \x1c \x1a \x19 \x06 \x01 \x18 \x17 \x08\x1c \x08 \x17 \x1b \x1a \x07 \x17 \x08 \x02\x1c\x1cCounseling is a cornerstone of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and lies at the heart of the compassionate care provided at New Season. Under the guidance of professional addiction specialists, patients have the opportunity to participate in various types of counseling tailored to their recovery journey, including:ONE\x1fON\x1fONEGROUPFAMILY COUNSELING COUNSELING COUNSELINGA condential setting whereFacilitated by a trainedAims to rebuild trust and patients can explore theirprofessional, this settingstrengthen family thoughts, feelings, andfosters supportive peerrelationships by addressing behaviors with a dedicatedinteractions, allowingsubstance use issues counselor, focusing onparticipants to sharetogether and nding overcoming personalexperiences, addresssolutions to improve challenges and achievingcommon challenges, andcommunication and support individual goals for positivework collaboratively towithin the family unit.change. navigate obstacles encountered during recovery.\x14\x13\x1a\x14\x12\x13\x1a\x14\x11\x1bCounseling o\x1eers numerous benets and is essential for achieving lasting recovery success. Through counseling, patients gain a deeper understanding of addiction as a disease, including its impact on the brain and behavior. It provides a safe space to explore the root causes of addiction, identify triggers, and develop practical, long-term strategies to improve all aspects of life.Counselors support patients in learning how to manage stress, cope with setbacks and loss, and discover new ways to make meaningful progress. Those who dedicate time to counseling experience signicant benets. Just as combining exercise with a healthy diet yields the best results for weight loss, integrating counseling with Medication-Assisted Treatment leads to better outcomes and long-term recovery success.'