b' \x7f \x17 \x19 \x18 \x0e \x19 \x02\x1c \x16 \x05 \x17 \x1b\x0e\x1c\x1b \x1b \x1b \x0e \x08 \x17 \x1b \x05 \x08 \x1a \x06 \x08 \x0e\x1cAs fentanyl continues to devastate communities, New Seasons Fentanyl Special \x19 \x18 \x0e\x17Care Program is more critical than ever. ThisThe number of individuals entering program is dedicated to combating thetreatment fentanyl-positive were trending epidemic by adapting our multidisciplinarythe same in 2024 as in 2023.approach to deliver comprehensive and e\x1fective recovery services tailored to patients a\x1fected by fentanyl use.\x1bGiven the unique challenges associated with treating fentanyl addiction, we o\x1eer enhanced support through increased contact with medical providers, counselors, and nurses specially trained in fentanyl-specic care and the medication induction process.\x0e\x19 \x18 \x19 \x0e \x19 \x1b \x17Fentanyl is among the most lethal of all illicit opioids, requiring an equally robust and proactive treatment approach. Our program is designed to provide patients with the specialized care and resources they need to overcome the dangers of fentanyl andThere was a 7% decrease year over year of embark on a path to lasting recovery. fentanyl-positive patients after admission.We are pleased to share that our dedicated e\x1eorts are making a di\x1eerence, as evidenced by the gradual decline in fentanyl prevalence among our patient population.KEY POINTS Weekly visits with medical provider for the rst 2 weeks and then 2 more visits over the next 4 weeks, totaling 4 patient visits in the rst 6 weeks Weekly visits with counselors for the rst 4 weeks and then at least 2 more visitsover the next 4 weeks, totaling 6 visits in the rst 8 weeks \x04\x16 \x1b \x03 \x0e \x08 \x06 \x17Specialized training for our nurses around the induction process with methadone and subsequent dose increases In spite of sustained fentanyl-positive patients at intake, the percent testing positive at discharge has decreased more than 5% year over year.\x1a\x11\x18\x10\x19\x16\x0f\x16\x18\x10\x19\x16\x18\x12\x16\x0e\x16\x0c\x0b\x0f\x08\x1a\x19\x1c\x1e\x17\x19\x1b\x16\x19\x1e\x1b\x19\x16\x08\x18\x1b\x1c\x19\x1c\x07\x1e 20232024 \x12\x18\x06\x16\x12\x1e\x17\x19\x1a\x17\x05\x1f\x16\x1a\x19\x16\x1c\x17\x19\x1a\x04\x1e\x03'